Friday, November 28, 2014

Golden Eagle

Large Raptor Birds
Part 10

Golden Eagle

The golden eagle is one of the largest and fastest raptors.  Wing spans range around 86 and a 1/2.
Although it is capable of killing cranes but,
it prefers small animals like rabbits, hares, grounds squirrels, prairie dogs, and marmots.


 Some similar species are Turkey vultures, Red-tailed hawks, Bald eagles, and Ferruginous hawks.






Golden Eagles are still used in falconry today in all areas of the world.  In cold climates it is vital for tribes as not only a custom, but a way of life.  Golden Eagles are trained for several years without site (mask).  Then released on their first hunt.  Arctic fox and hares are taken for their furs.  Without this powerful flying machine their traditions would be lost and they would be forced to leave what they know as the Inuit arctic way of life.


Golden eagles favor partially or completely open country. especially around mountains, hills, and cliffs, they use a variety of places ranging the arctic to the desert, including tundra, shrub land, grassland, coniferous forest's, farmland, areas along rivers and streams.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

White Spruce Tree

White Spruce Tree
White spruce
It trees reach up to 140 feet tall.  Diameters of these trees reach up to 3 feet. 
It's primary uses are pulpwood, lumber, furniture, boxes, and crates.
The needles are 1/2-3/4 usually inch long.
The cones are slender 1 1/4-2inches long.
Some animals that like this tree are gray jays... 

 and all kinds of birds.

Tree of Study Links:
White Pine
Red Pine
Jack Pine
Ponderosa Pine
Sugar Pine
Blue Spruce

Friday, November 21, 2014

Cooper's Hawk

Large Raptor Birds
Part 9

Cooper's Hawk

 This is the cooper's hawk. It is a medium sized hawk native to North American continent and found from southern Canada to northern Mexico. Like almost all raptors the male is smaller than the female.
The wingspan of a cooper's hawk is 62 to 94cm (24-37cm.)  Their average weight is 12-18oz for females and 16oz on average for the male cooper's hawk.  Sizes can vary from 14 to 20 inches long.

Cooper's hawk nests can be found in tops of trees.  Over a 2 week period of time a nest will reach 27 inches in diameter.  Surprisingly the pile of sticks is sometimes concealed very well and often can be mistaken for another critters nest. 
In each nest you will find 3-5 eggs. 

The clutch will hatch in 30-36 days.
 Chicks become independent around 8 weeks.  
This hawk has been known to live 12 years in the wild; however, the oldest living hawk was recorded at 20 years and 4 months.
 Cooper's Hawk is another one of my favorite hawks.  They are fascinating to watch in flight and when they are soaring over fields or streams looking for their next hunt.

Here is our Web Cam Page for Links to view this bird.
Raptor Cams

Other Birds
Peregrine Falcon
Red Tailed Hawk
Broad- Winged Hawk
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sparrow Hawk
Swainson's Hawk

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Balsam Tree

Balsam Tree

A Balsam tree will grow to be on average 44-66 feet in height, however some have grown as large as 90 feet tall.  The are considered to be a small to medium sized evergreen tree.
 The bark of a balsam tree is smooth, shiny and silvery when young.  As it ages and matures you can notice "blisters", see photo below.
Balsam bows have beautiful scented needles.  The needles are 1/2-1 inch in length.

 Cones are 1 1/2 to 3 inches long.
The balsam fir is not only used for lumber, pulp, medicinal and for its resin.  It was once used for mattresses in the early days prior to foam.  (Still great for camping!)  Balsam is used for fragrance and air fresheners today. 
It is also a preference of trees for decoration by some during the holiday season.  So when you are outdoors next and smell the sweet aroma look around for this beautiful balsam tree.

Tree of Study Links:
White Pine
Red Pine
Jack Pine
Ponderosa Pine
Sugar Pine
Blue Spruce

Friday, November 14, 2014

Swainson's Hawk

Large Raptor Birds
Part 7

Swainson's Hawk

Named after William Swainson, this large hawk can be found along prairies and grasslands.
The Swainson's hawk can cover 15,000 miles (24,000km) during its migrations north.
A common color pattern for the adult hawk is dark brown plumage with a brown chest and a pale belly.
The nests of a swainson's hawk can contain 1-4 eggs that incubate from 34-35 days.

Other Birds
Peregrine Falcon
Red Tailed Hawk
Broad- Winged Hawk
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sparrow Hawk
Swainson's Hawk

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blue Spruce Tree

The Blue Spruce Tree 
This is another kind of conifer tree.
It is called the blue spruce.
Native Americans use the blue spruce tree for medicinal purposes and rituals.   The twig of  this tree was kept for good fortune.  The needles were boiled and used to aide the common cold and stomach aches.  This is what I researched for school, have you ever tried it?  Here are links for more info...

The pine needles are 3cm (1in) long. They are found in the rocky mountains

Tree of Study Links:
White Pine
Red Pine
Jack Pine
Ponderosa Pine
Sugar Pine
Blue Spruce

Friday, November 7, 2014

Sparrow Hawk

Large Raptor Birds
Part 6


The Sparrow Hawk

The sparrow hawk is also called the American kestrel. This little raptor is a falcon. 
The diet of a sparrow hawk consists of grasshoppers, lizards, mice, and small birds.

 The male sparrow hawk is no smaller than a robin.
This American Kestrel nests in trees, cavities of rocks, cliffs and/or caves.  Laying 3-7 eggs per nest, both male and female help incubate the eggs.  This bird extends all across North America and can be seen migrating south during winter seasons.  This falcon is a wonderful site to see.


Other Birds
Peregrine Falcon
Red Tailed Hawk
Broad- Winged Hawk
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sparrow Hawk
Swainson's Hawk

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hemlock Tree

The Hemlock Tree

This is an other conifer called the eastern hemlock. It is a handsome tree, with dark-green foliage and gracefully drooping branches.

The needles are flat, a little more then a half-inch long. the cone is among the smallest of any conifer, brown and persistent.

The hemlock tree is also called the tsuga.  They are medium sized evergreen trees.  Evergreen means that it is green all year round.
The evergreen can reach almost 200 feet tall.  (33ft-197ft.)  The bark of a hemlock tree is scaly and a brown/greyish color.
The hemlock is important to lumber mills for pulp.  The bark of a hemlock is known for its tannin.
eastern hemlocks are also used for lumber.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hardy Boys #3

Hardy Boys #3
Secret of the Old Mill
by Franklin W. Dixon
***** 5 out of 5
   This book was a really good book.  I recommend it to boys and girls.  Boys may like it more since the characters are mostly boys.  At the beginning the rescue grabs your attention and draws you into the book.  This book is classified at a 6th-8th grade reading level.  At 4th grade, it did not take long to read. Searching for recommendations, I found the book to be placed at a reading level of 4.8, click HERE for the definitions of their reading levels.  I'm sure if you check this book out at your library you'll like this book too!  It would also make a great gift to someone.