Friday, October 24, 2014

Bald Eagle

Large Raptor Birds
Part 4

The Bald Eagle!

The bald eagle is the USA national bird.  Therefore, it is illegal to hunt them.  With their beauty who would want to?  This breath taking bird is our families favorite bird!  For years it has represented freedom, agility, and profound character.  This national symbol has earned its value to the people of USA's past and present.  
The bald eagle will eat: fish, rabbits, mice, and voles.  
As you can see it has an all white head and tail.
The bald eagles wing span is approximately 7-8. 
the most similar species is the golden-eagle.
Its habitat is coasts, rivers, and large lakes.
 its ranges is Alaska, Canada and U.S.A.
Beautiful bald eagles soar the sky in many parts of the world.  If you see one in your neck of the woods you'll now know more about this spectacular creature. 

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