Thursday, October 16, 2014

Jack Pine Tree




Jack Pine Tree

The height of a jack pine tree is 30-50 feet tall. Its needles are very sharp.                    
  The jack pine is not the straightest pine tree.  It is often knotty
and only grows shrub like if there are poor conditions like in the southern us.
 Its pine cones are curved, pointed out and tightly closed except during periods of extreme heat.  (Then they will reseed.)
The jack pine is another species in the pine tree family.  It is used similar to other pines.  One endangered bird, Kirtland's warbler looks for a jack pine tree during mating season. 

The jack pine tree is a beautiful species of pine that creates acidic soil for plenteous blueberries, which I love!  Thanks jack pine trees.

Tree of Study Links:
White Pine
Red Pine
Jack Pine
Ponderosa Pine
Sugar Pine
Blue Spruce

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