Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hemlock Tree

The Hemlock Tree

This is an other conifer called the eastern hemlock. It is a handsome tree, with dark-green foliage and gracefully drooping branches.

The needles are flat, a little more then a half-inch long. the cone is among the smallest of any conifer, brown and persistent.

The hemlock tree is also called the tsuga.  They are medium sized evergreen trees.  Evergreen means that it is green all year round.
The evergreen can reach almost 200 feet tall.  (33ft-197ft.)  The bark of a hemlock tree is scaly and a brown/greyish color.
The hemlock is important to lumber mills for pulp.  The bark of a hemlock is known for its tannin.
eastern hemlocks are also used for lumber.

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