Large Raptor Birds
Part 10
Golden Eagle

The golden eagle is one of the largest and fastest raptors. Wing spans range around 86 and a 1/2.
Although it is capable of killing cranes but,
it prefers small animals like rabbits, hares, grounds squirrels, prairie dogs, and marmots.

Some similar species are Turkey vultures, Red-tailed hawks, Bald eagles, and Ferruginous hawks.

Golden Eagles are still used in falconry today in all areas of the world. In cold climates it is vital for tribes as not only a custom, but a way of life. Golden Eagles are trained for several years without site (mask). Then released on their first hunt. Arctic fox and hares are taken for their furs. Without this powerful flying machine their traditions would be lost and they would be forced to leave what they know as the Inuit arctic way of life.

Golden eagles favor partially or completely open country. especially around mountains, hills, and cliffs, they use a variety of places ranging the arctic to the desert, including tundra, shrub land, grassland, coniferous forest's, farmland, areas along rivers and streams.